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What is success? What are the 12 ways to achieve the success? What is success essay ? Definition of success in Life, What is success according to you?

What is success ? What are the 12 ways to achieve the success? What is failure?  What motivates you to succeed in Life? What is success essay ? Definition of success in Life , What is success according to you?

Some of the peoples are very successful in life. What made them so successful in life. Learn what is the meaning of success and what are the 12 ways including the tips to achieve the success. Becoming successful is a tough task because the distractions are more if you compare to the earlier years. But distraction can hit you only when you are not focused on your goals. Every one wants to become successful. You can follow below mentioned the tips to become successful in life.

What is success? What are the 12 ways to achieve the success? What motivates you to become successful? What is success essay ? Definition of success in Life, What is success according to you?

Meaning of Success

Success is not the same feeling to everyone. Someone says if you are wealthy then you are a successful person. Someone says if you have achieved great position or inventions is a success.

So what is success?

  • Success means achieving the goals which we have decided earlier.
  • Getting the result as per our expectation.
  • Achieving vision and mission of our activity
  • Reaching the planned destination
  • Having the confidence in you even though loss & failure hit you very hard.
  • Leading the life mentally and physically peaceful by achieving all the above.
I think the last one is very important. Now a days every one is busy that they don't have the time to enjoy their success.

Some of the famous quotes on success :

"Success is not final: failure is not final: It is the courage to continue that counts"
                     - Winston S Churchill
"Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of  Value"

                   - Albert Einstein

"If you really look closely, most overnight successes took a long time"

                   - Steve Jobs

"Successful warrior is the average man, with a laser-like focus"

                   - Bruce Lee

Commonly said proverb is " Failure is the first stepping stone towards the success".

"Failure is not the opposite of success but it's pair of success".

Failure is not achieving the desired result. If you get success then you gain but if you loose then also you will gain !!!. You will gain experience, knowledge of yourself and knowledge of the thing in which you have failed and next time the chance of getting success will increase.

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Success according to me:

  • Success is a continuous journey and not a single point of destination. There may be small rest taking time but it will not stop in that point forever.
  • Success is the sum of continuous failure or continuous efforts.
  • The person who failed only knows the value of success.
  • If success don't give you happiness then it is not a success.
  • Success is not becoming rich by money but becoming rich by happiness, joy and personality.
  • Success cannot teach what failures can.
Success also involves earning the money which is sufficient to lead the life by own without damaging anyone, living a happily & peacefully. Even though some point of time you may not earn money but you should keep learning from the failures and have a belief that after the dark night, sun rises. But success not only means money.

Money can be earned but happiness cannot be purchased. Success is a door to happiness. Failure is the door to experience. Both are precious. Don't over enjoy success and don't give up when failure knocks your door.


Here I will combine the some of the key to become successful in life. This tips can be followed by students, businessman or anyone.       


     Success and failure are like the two faces of a coin. You should have a strong belief that every time the failure face will not appear and vise a versa. Belief in your capabilities and experience can make you to climb the mountain of success. After all the persons who are successful today have faced the failure in there life or now also they are facing some failure in their life. Because no one is born perfect. But we have the opportunity to make ourselves best. 
What is success? What are the 12 ways to achieve the success? What motivates you to become successful?
Power of Belief



    Every time you fail, you improve yourself and hit back with more hard work. Today may not gone in your favour but tomorrow will definitely be yours. To make it happen you only have to work and no magic is going to change your life. Luck is nothing but when your preparation meets an opportunity. It is the human tendency to see the success of a person ignoring is hard work. We want success in our life but not hard work !!!

What is success? What are the 12 ways to achieve the success? What motivates you to become successful?
Work Harder 


     "Failing to plan is planning to fail". When you make a plan and don't implement it, you will never know what is strength and what is your weakness. It is the you who should implement your ideas, plans, thoughts into reality. Dreaming is not bad but only dreaming is useless. Dream big, do big. Dreams will be dreams until you wake up and make them real. The dream is not the dream which you see, while you are sleeping but dream is one which don't let you to sleep. 

What is success? What are the 12 ways to achieve the success? What motivates you to become successful?
Turn ideas into reality 


    Motivation is temporary, Inspiration is permanent. First search for the inspiration why you want to achieve it. What is the reason for taking this task. Then focus and concentration will automatically leads your way. 

What is success? What are the 12 ways to achieve the success? What motivates you to become successful?


    Do what you like to do instead of doing something for the sake of doing. Play at your strength instead of just copying others. If you are interested then only you can become successful in business or profession and in personal life. When we are making investment in deposit, we search for higher interest rate so that we can receive maximum benefit. In the same way you to find your best course of action which can open the door of happiness and success.

What is success? What are the 12 ways to achieve the success? What motivates you to become successful?
Follow your passion 


   If you have decided to complete a work then do it on time whatever it takes to complete. Just put your feet outside your shoes means come out from daily laziness and comforts. Those who have the habit of completing task on time are very near to the success and peaceful life.

What is success? What are the 12 ways to achieve the success? What motivates you to become successful?
Go all in


  Never settle for a single success because if you don't upgrade yourself it will vanish. Try to do more. Try to learn new things and keep yourself upgraded with current requirements. As I said in the beginning itself, success is a continuous journey. You have to travel for the entire life in order to maintain it. There is always scope for improvisation
"Don't take rest after your first victory because if you fail in second, more lips are waiting to say that your first victory was just luck"
              - Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam


  You should be strong enough to handle the daily hurdles which will come in your path to stop your growth. You should be strong from mind to handle conflicts, arguments, stress, anxiety, fear and financial losses. Everyone in this world faces this problem how much successful they may be. But they stay strong which makes them different from others.
We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. Words are secondary. Thoughts live; they travel far"
          - Swami Vivekananda


  We should enjoy every movement till we are alive. I know it very difficult to keep yourself happy at all the times but try to live in present movement more actively then overthinking of past losses. Life is like a festival and celebrate it. 

What is success? What are the 12 ways to achieve the success? What motivates you to become successful?
Live in present


   One failure cannot label you as a looser. Even bulb has been found after repetitive failure. If he stood firmly against such failure why you can't?. A person who knows all is less dangerous then a person who is expert in a particular matter because when such matter comes before him he will come with flying colour. Just you have wait till that time comes to your door.
What is success? What are the 12 ways to achieve the success? What motivates you to become successful?
Never give up 

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      Greatness lies in simplicity. So always try to be humble when you are learning from others. After getting a small success don't become arrogant. Arrogance will separate you from the world and politeness will turn the world towards you.


      You should come out from your comfort zone and should involve yourself in your goal. Laziness and postponing the task can't make you a successful in life. If you block yourself then the world is not going to help you. 


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