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Sleeping position for covid patients , Steps for doing Proning

Sleeping position for covid patients, Steps for doing Proning                As the covid is showing its true colour, we have to be ready for fighting with the unwanted guest. The sleeping position which can increase the flow of oxygen to the body is one of the important factor to be kept in mind. It is called as proning When oxygen level falls below 90, the problem of breathing may create a big problem for covid patients. So in order to maintain healthy oxygen level the following simple exercise can be done. How to do proning? You will require 4-5 pillows (with 3 can also be done but 4-5 is recommended) Two pillow to be kept below your ankles (shins) and another two to be kept below the chest and remaining two below the neck. You can also have one pillow below your ankles and two pillows below your chest. The patients should lie on their belly and this process is called as proniing. You should do it for half an hour to get the good result. You can change your position such as facin
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